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The Texas chapter of NAME was founded in 2000 by Dr. Ron W. Wilhelm.  On September 30, 2000, thirty educators from across Texas met at the University of North Texas in Denton to establish a statewide voice for multiculturalism in Texas. Attendees at the founding conference of the Texas Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education created action teams to accomplish six goals:


  1. Create a vision statement for the chapter in terms of a statewide vision for Multicultural Education. 

  2. Develop strategies for publicizing the chapter as a statewide voice for diversity and multiculturalism in Texas and for recruiting members from public and private K-12 education, universities, and community organizations.

  3. Serve as a multicultural resource collection and distribution center for Texas. 

  4. Recruit members to present a voice for diversity in the annual state textbook review process. 

  5. Design a chapter website.

  6. Develop systematic maintenance of the dialogue beyond the organizing conference.


The founding members of Texas NAME included: Hassona Alidou, Iva Bell, Lisa Blancarte, Ruth Brazile, Norvella Carter, Leza Chryssovergis, Phyllis Cormier, Charisse Cowan, Gloria Contreras, Carmen Filbeck, Lorenzo Garcia, Millie Gore, Jennifer Herring, Bertina Hildreth, Linda Hodges, Roni Ibrahim, Robert James, D. J. Johnson, Michaelle Kitchen, Ginny Lane, Pat Larke, Janelle Mathis, Pam Melcher, Brenda Meloncon, LaVonne Neal, Raquel Oxford, Katherine Phillips, Lychene Saah, Ron Wilhelm, and Janet Willis.


The first Executive Committee and Board of Texas NAME included: 


  • President – Ron Wilhelm

  • Vice President – Hassona Alidou

  • Secretary – Jennifer Herring

  • Treasurer - -Raquel Oxford

  • Parliamentarian – Iva Bell

  • At-Large Board Members

    • Roni Ibrahim

    • Robert James

    • Lorenzo García

    • D.J. Johnson

    • Lavonne Neal


Dr. Pat Larke, professor at Texas A & M University in College Station served as the first Regional Director of Region VI of the National Association for Multicultural Education. Region VI consists of NAME members in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Dr. Larke and Dr. Alidou hosted the first scholarly conference of Region VI-Texas NAME at Texas A&M in April 2002. This conference began a tradition of annual conferences in which graduate students, beginning and veteran scholars, and community activists come together to present their research and engage each other in conversations about the salient issues of multiculturalism and diversity. 


The 2002 conference was highlighted by a Keynote Address from Dr. Geneva Gay.

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Past Presidents


Osaro Airen



Brandon L. Fox



Jemimah "Mimi" Young



Diana Linn



E.L. Walter-Sullivan



Donald R. Collins



Donald Easton-Brooks



Gwendolyn Webb-Hasan




Aretha Faye Marbley



Patricia J. Larke

Founding Member



Sheryl Santos



Debra ‘DJ’ Johnson

Founding Member



Ron W. Wilhelm

Founding President


2023 The Texas Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education

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